Neke su ptice došle na svijet, neke su sa njega otišle pa je jedna živahna punoljetnica iz paralelne dimenzije postojanja, koja se bavi rekreacijom, redovito izlazi na zrak i zdravo se hrani, ponudila Jonu posao pristojnog i odgovornog niskopozicioniranog svinjogojskog djelatnika. Dear Jon Barbaneagra, Are you still interested in a job working with pigs and do handyman work? Then we would like to invite to work for us in Denmark for at least 3 months to learn and from then you will be working in Rubkow - Germany ? Salary is the first 6 months 9,50 euro per hour and after that you will get 100% extra paid working feiertage/soontag. You can live at the farm for only 55 euros all included for your own room and access to kitchen bathroom (just you will be using this but on thursday our accounter makes coffee there☺) Kind regards, Lene RUBKOW!? Ma ne tu! To je Kuba. Okreni globus! Rekombinacijom superponiranih fotona Jon je poslan kroz drugi kristal na sekundarn...